Friday, 30 January 2015

Shaykh Shihabudheen Ahmed Koya al-Shaliyati(rah),the Great Malibari disciple of A’la Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Fazilebarelvi علیہ رحمۃdefends Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi(Rah): 
Shaykh Shihadudheen Ahmed koya al-shaliyati al-malaibari(rah)[1302-1374.AH] was one of the rare geniuses that modern Malabar(North Kerala), the traditional home land of Shafi’i school in India had ever produced. His proficiency in shafi’i madhab was such that he had been appointed as a teacher and a fatwa board member , even before his graduation from the famous Lathee-fiyyah Arabic College of Tamil Nadu, India. He was also mostly self- taught in Maliki Aand Hanbali madhahibs. Soon after graduation, by studying both ‘Dars eNizami’ and ‘Silsilathul Faqriyyah’, he had also entered upon the Sufi paths of Qadiriyyah and Naqshbandiyyah Orders and got khilafath from Shaykh Hasbullahil Makki.(qs).His thirst for knowledge did not end there. He went all the way ‘from Malabar to Bareilly Shareef” to study Hanafi fiqh and theology under the feet of the Mujaddid of the age A’ala Hazrat Shah Ahmed Raza Kahan Fazil e Barelwi ( rah) though there were Hanafi Scholars in the nearby states of Tamil Nadu and Andra pradesh. On his return he was warmly welcomed by the then independent ruler , the 'Nizam' of Hyderabad (under British India) and was appointed as his official mufti to issue fatawa in all the four madhahibs. He had written many books, of which Fatawal Azhariyyah, printed , is the most well known, but our interest related to this topic is another work, namely Daf’u Sharril Aseer’, a defence of Shah Waliyullah Dehlavi.(rah) against forgeries in his books(in Arabic-manuscript).
He wrote his book “Daf’u Saril Aseer ‘an Kharil Kaseer”. in order to explain the fabrications in the sayings of Shah Waliullah and especially in the latter’s work named ‘Khairul Kaseer’, in which there are fabricated statements prohibiting seeking aid after death., labeling it as kufr. He writes by quoting: Rasool Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallam teaches ‘Isthigatha’ to Shah Waliyullah.Rah(Wa ‘ arifnee kayfa istamad bihi fi Hawaiji ah).VIZ, Shah Sahib Rah wrote in his famous book ‘Fuyud al Haramayn’, an Arabic work in which he details his mystical experiences and visions that he had been granted by Allah during his visits to the holy cities of Makkah and Madina._“On the 3rd day of my arrival to Madina, after performing Salam , I requested Rasulullah. Saws saying: “Oh Rasool’Allah , Give us too from among the profuse blessings which Allah had given to you. We have come here hoping for much goodness from You as You are ‘Blessings for both worlds.(Rahmathu’l lil Alameen).” At that moment itself He became very happy with me and I became ecstatic. I felt He (saws) is covering me with his shawl and He pressed me well. Mysteries became clear to me. He taught me about his soul and He helped me to a great extent. Then He taught me on ‘How to seek his aid in case of my necessities’.[ISTHIGATHA]
Apart from the above anecdote, Shah sahib had given many instances of those who sought aid from Rasulullah Saws. Shaykh Shaliyathi-rah-writes,“There are also fabrications in the Fatawa of Shah’ sons, Shah Abdul Aziz and Shah Rafi’iudin(Rah).The who was behind these fabrications was none other than Shah Ismai’l Dehlavi who had many innovations and propagated the ideology of Ibn Taymiyyah.”[p7] “Shah Isma’il Dehlavi was the first Indian who had been attracted to the deviated ideology of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Abdul Wahab. Some whom Allah had misguided in spite of their having given knowledge had followed him.”
“Hazrat Shah Makhsoos Ullah bin Shah Rafiuddin bin Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dihlawi(Rah) while refuting his own cousin brother Shah Ismai’il Dehlawi writes,:“The answer to the first question concerning Taqwiyatul Iman – and I call it Tafwiyatul Iman (with the letter faa) – is that which I have written in a monograph refuting it named Mu’eedul Imanf. Isma’il’s book is not only against the traditions of our family but it is against the Tawĥīd of all the Prophets and Messengers themselves! Because Prophets and Messengers are sent to teach the people and make them walk the path of Tawĥīd. In this book however, there is no sign of that Tawĥīd nor the Sunnah of the Messengers. Things that are claimed as Shirk and Bid’ah in this book and taught to the people have not been labeled as such by any of the Prophets or their followers. If there is any proof otherwise, ask his followers to show it to us.”
This shows that there was nothing in Shah Sahib’s works that supported Najdian Tawhid known to his immediate successors, and that all such things which are now being quoted ascribing them to Shah Waliyullah (Rah) are all nothing but gross fabrications.

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