Forced conversion melas are part of planned attempts to stir popular perceptions against religious conversions.
It is strange that those who have been demanding the anti-conversion laws are now organizing forced conversion melas. Ultimately, they are aiming the prohibition of all conversions by law. The government must seriouslyconsider these attempts that challenge the fundamental values of constitution.
Islam by no means require conversion by force. It’s not acceptable in Islam to convert one’s opinion or one’s religion by force or temptations. Thos who convert to Islam thus would not be regarded as Muslims, as per the teachings of Islam. Instead of increasing the quantity of the believers, the leaders of all faith should strive to increase the quality of their belief. The nation will only benefit from those believers who practice the eternal virtues of their religion and are committed to their nation through their faith. What transpires today is that spiritual and religious leaders are replaced by political leaders in order to create a mess that facilitates various political manipulations of the mob. The recent conversion melas have to be read in this context.
Islam by no means require conversion by force. It’s not acceptable in Islam to convert one’s opinion or one’s religion by force or temptations. Thos who convert to Islam thus would not be regarded as Muslims, as per the teachings of Islam. Instead of increasing the quantity of the believers, the leaders of all faith should strive to increase the quality of their belief. The nation will only benefit from those believers who practice the eternal virtues of their religion and are committed to their nation through their faith. What transpires today is that spiritual and religious leaders are replaced by political leaders in order to create a mess that facilitates various political manipulations of the mob. The recent conversion melas have to be read in this context.
On rewriting History
History is the source for all moral inspiration that humanity has kept abreast. To weaken history is to weaken the future of humanity. History should be used to enrich the future, not just for pedigree. Those who use history in order to divide humanity are taking the humanity centuries backward. These retrogressive attempts will only hamper the inclusive and comprehensive development of the nation.
On Extremism, terrorism
What we witnessed in Peshaverthe other day is the shameless use of a noble religion for a dastardly criminal act. Violence like this has become naturalized today. These savage forces are those who crave for power. Religion in their hands has become a toy. They exploit the differences between religions towards their selfish ends. They are cowards who cannot even spare the most vulnerable population of innocent children from their brutal violence. They mistook that extremist militancy is jihad. The most valuable jihad in Islam is to strive for moral cultivation of one’s self. For Islam, to transgress the lifer and property of the fellow being is a condemnable act. Terroristappear quite far from the basic Islamic teachings such as this. Do not forget that Islam has been presented by God for the peace, happiness and security of the entire humanity. No Muslim by any means are entitled to declare unjust war on humanity.
On racist violence against Muslims
Today, increasingly around the world, Muslim minorities are brutally targeted in a vicious circle of violence. Mymanmar, Srilanka and East Africa are the quite recent examples. It’s extremely saddening that the world public opinion silent on the atrocities committed against the poor Muslims. Rather, what we continue to witness is the demonization of Islam and Muslims. International Peace Agencies such as UN should strive towards building a consensus against the atrocities against humanity including the Mulsims minorities. Why don’t the differentagencies preventively act before the conflicts arise? If they claim they responsibly represent the people’s aspirations, they have to act more intelligently. India as a country, which always shows its concern on the status of minority’s life in neighbouring countries, can play a critical role in solving the Muslim question in Srilanka and Myanmar.
Muslim education: Markaz Model
Educational activities among Muslims have to be structured in a way that would equip them to face the complexities of the current of contemporary history. Introspections and reflections on the duties that they have to fulfil in this world and in this time would give more insights to them as they encounter the modernity. Markaz has been leading the way in bridging the gaps between various tradition and modernity. Conversations, rather than confrontations should guide the relationship between religion and modernity. The last four decades of Markaz prove that its really possible to be optimistic about the future of Indian Muslim minorities, once the conditions for development have been achieved.
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